Electricals Components

Power Suppliers, Converters, Actuators, Temperature Indicators, Altimeters, Fuel Indicators, Position Indicators, Control Panels, Transmitters, Switches and spares.
MIL Standard Cable, Relays, Connectors, Switches, for Aerospace, Military and commercial applications that includes, helicopters, ground vehicles.
Coaxial components, including Attenuators, Adapters, Cables, DC Blocks, Power Dividers, Terminations, Connectors, etc

Electronic Components

We can provide all types of Active and Passive Components specially MIL and Space Standard with all necessary Tests:

SRAMs, FPGA, Micro Processors, Micro Controllers, Diodes, Schottky, Varactor, Mixer diode, Transistors: BJT, FET, MOSFET, MESFET, SMD chip inductor, Diodes Chip capacitors, Chip resistors, Zener diode, Inductors, Integrated circuits, Strain Gauges, etc